Odyssey Consultants is a PCI QSA, ISO 27001 certified, Information Security, Infrastructure
and Risk Management Solutions integrator and a Managed Security & Outsourcing Services
Provider. Its services and solutions span the whole spectrum of People, Process and
The company offers this free app both to the general public as well as to its Managed Security
and ClearSkies SIEM cloud service subscribers.
- If you are a non-Odyssey subscriber install this app on your iPhone or iPad device to:
1. get alerts (as a push notification service) of the latest internet security threats, as well as
related intelligence as it comes straight out of Odyssey’s Ithaca Labs;
2. get information on Odysseys solutions, services and cloud products, as well as news
events, and other interesting announcements
- If you are an Odyssey Managed Security or ClearSkies SIEM subscriber install this app on
your iPhone or iPad device to:
1. Securely access to your Managed Security or ClearSkies SIEM service, which virtually
puts at your fingertips the capabilities you need to stay on top of the things that happen
in your network when you are on the go.
Features accessible to our subscribers through the app include:
• User’s Profile Information
• Executive Dashboard
o Events VS Alerts VS Incidents Identified/Published
o # of Outstanding Incidents by severity
o Threat Alerts generated per hour
o Health and Status of your Assets
• Incidents
o Most Recent
o Geolocation
• Alerts
o Top 10 Daily
o Geologation
• Ithaca Labs
o Threats by Country
o Top 10 Malware Domains
o Attacks by Activity
• Reports
• Push Notification for Incidents published, Security News and Internet Threat Alerting